Edmar Communications Analysis Services
Edmar CommunicationsAnalysis Services

About Us

      Edmar Communications is celebrating its twentieth year in business.  Originally organized to provide a platform for aging in place we have expanded our services to the adaptation and promotion of technilogical advances that can assist the aging in improving their quality of life.  We provide marketing studies and assistance for product placement at major electronics shows.  Our primary focus is improving the lives of our aging population through appropriate application of technology.  We provide reviews and recommendations for products and occaisionally highlight particularly good products on our services page.  We like all of you, are waiting for the new normal and making peronal communication with our customers.


Our team is dedicated and of varied backgrounds. We assist developers in placement and support marketing of viable technology ideas in the marketplace.  The marketplace is changing and virtual is the future.  We will on occaision, advertise items of interest and related to our business.



Contact Us Today!

Edmar Communications

3230 Cragun Rd

Edgewater, 21037


E-mail: info@edmarinc.com


The adventure


Coming soon:

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